Wednesday, October 13, 2010


1. Our topic, in this team is Notre Dame Men's Soccer.
2. My job was the job to collect all of the info and interviews and compile it into the iMovie project.
3.I mostly learned how to use iMovie better. I like that I can now compile a PowerPoint to an awesome iMovie!
4. The best was the interviews. We all got really good and interviews and it was easy to put in the movie.
5. The worst was completely taking out the Ken Burns effects and timing all of the pictures.
6. We put the slides and all of the pictures in on powerpoint, exported them, then put them in iMovie. All of the effects then were putting on and interviews were added in iMovie. We completely finished on time.
7. I learned all about ducking and Ken Burns effect in my movie.
8. You could use this project in a slideshow for a presentation.
9. I put a works cited page at the end to show all of the images I used.
10. I would do this for some good presentation. I could use it in a Spanish presentation, to show all of the good animations.

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